96th SKOCH Summit

96th SKOCH Summit

09:15 – 09:30 | Arrival, Meet and Greet, Formal Photograph |
09:30 – 09:35 | National Anthem |
09:35 – 09:40 | Welcome |
09:40 – 10:00 | Opening Address |


Member, Economic Advisory Council
to the Prime Minister
Public policymaking is considered an art and a science. In India, it has traditionally been more of an art and less of a science due to the lack of an adequate statistical knowledge base. We were also quite late in starting with measuring outcomes. It is only with the administrative reforms kicked in over the past decade and the success of Digital India that intense monitoring and dashboarding is in place.
India is again on a manufacturing-in-high-gear approach for various reasons. This conversation has three central themes. One is changing the defeatist mindset of people who argue that India has no future in manufacturing. The same argument has been rehashed since the 1980s. Geopolitical as well as industry lobbies drive this. Some historical events driving these arguments would be the signing of WTO, the signing of ITA, and more recently, the argument in favour of China-led RCEP.
The second is knowledge-based policymaking. All sorts of proxies are used to support arguments. These are more based on allegiances and opinions rather than sound public interest. The statistical system needs an overhaul. In India. What can be done?
And finally, the a lack of wide sharing of the ground covered in governance. The type of administrative reform and cutting of the red tape to deliver development objectives is unprecedented. The softer areas that yield inclusivity and reduction in multi-dimensional poverty have been a high priority.
Mr Sameer Kochhar, Chairman of SKOCH Group, tries to find answers to these in conversation with one of the sharpest development economists of our time, Dr Shamika Ravi,
Member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister.
1000 – 1020 | Dr Shamika Ravi, Member, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister in conversation with Mr Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group |
1020 – 1025 | Awards & Acceptance |
1025 – 1030 | Nazrana |


Co-Founder, HCL
Tech pioneer, Dr Ajai Chowdhry – commonly known as the Father of Indian Hardware – believes that policy push around manufacturing has set a fertile ground for transforming the country into a global powerhouse for electronics and semiconductor production. The conversation revolves around how a timely push has or will help the country grab a massive opportunity in the electronics hardware space. There is need to upgrade India to a product nation rather than focusing only on manufacturing.

1210 – 1225 | Dr Ajai Chowdhry, Co-Founder, HCL in conversation with Mr Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group |
1230 – 1235 | Award & Acceptance |
1235 – 1240 | Nazrana |

Public Policy Professional

Additional Secretary, MeitY
India stands at the forefront of the AI Revolution. The country leads the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence and champions responsible and ethical AI policies, addressing themes like Sustainable Agriculture and Collaborative AI. India has the potential to add $1.2 Tn to $1.5 Tn to its cumulated GDP between 2023-24 to 2029-30 with the potential to add $359 Bn to $438 Bn in 2029-30 alone. The conversation focuses on factors for making AI in India for the world that hinges on it’s compute capacity. Leveraging AI prowess through collaborative approach addressing global challenges while ensuring responsible AI adoption within the country is an important part of the discussion.
Mr Rohan Kochhar in conversation with Mr Abhishek Singh finds out how AI impacts the job market and how India can ensure a smooth transition through reskilling and upskilling initiatives to remain a competitive talent hub for AI-related jobs while promoting inclusive growth.
Mr Rohan Kochhar in conversation with Mr Abhishek Singh finds out how AI impacts the job market and how India can ensure a smooth transition through reskilling and upskilling initiatives to remain a competitive talent hub for AI-related jobs while promoting inclusive growth.
1240 – 1300 | Mr Abhishek Singh, Additional Secretary, MeitY in conversation with Mr Rohan Kochhar, Public Policy Professional |
1300 – 1400 | Awards |
1400 – 1405 | Lunch |


Secretary General

Associate Director
1415 – 1435 | Mr Anil Bhardwaj, Secretary General, FISME & Dr Saibal Paul, Associate Director, Sa-Dhan in conversation with Dr Gursharan Dhanjal, Vice-Chairman, SKOCH Group |
1435 – 1440 | Nazrana |
1440 – 1500 | Awards |
1500 – 1505 | Nazrana |


Former Chairman
Digital Transformation in the context of Governance is supposed to bring in a socio-economic change that fosters a higher degree of digital, financial and social inclusion. Since 2014, the Digital India Programme has lThe bullish narrative for the country’s stock markets has gathered momentum as economies, geopolitics and policy have all aligned in its favour. The maturing of Indian stock markets is leading to increase in competition. It is important that there is level playing field for all the players. The conversation revolves around the theme of Rethinking Markets and includes how to make Indian markets more vibrant, safe and even more competitive. There is need for a connect between the real economy and markets. Similarly, it is important to de-risk the markets, widen the product portfolio and encourage more and more players. Additionally, there is also a need for MFs to bolster their presence on the exchanges equally to deepen liquidity.
Dr Gursharan Dhanjal, Vice-Chairman, of SKOCH Group tries to find answers to these and more in a conversation with Mr U K Sinha.ed this change.
1505 – 1525 | Mr U K Sinha, Former Chairman, SEBI in conversation with Dr Gursharan Dhanjal, Vice-Chairman, SKOCH Group |


We work hard to earn our money. But regardless of how much we earn, the money worry never goes away. Then the question arises, wouldn’t it be wonderful if our money worked for us just as we worked hard for it? What if we had a proven system to identify dud investment schemes? How to get a simple, jargon-free plan to get more value out of our money for tomorrow (insurance) and have a good life today as well? At the core remains something that we call sound financial planning that requires financial literacy. An important element of it is the cost of financial literacy and who would bear this cost? Dr Gursharan Dhanjal converses with Ms Monika Halan, according to whom the answers in managing cash flow, building emergency fund, investments and retirement lie in financial literacy.

India’s most trusted name in personal finance, Monika Halan offers you a feet-onthe-ground system to build financial security. Not a get-rich-quick guide, this book provides you a smarter way to live your dream life, rather than stay worried about the ‘right’ investment or ‘perfect’ insurance. Unlike many personal finance books, Let’s Talk Money is written specifically for you, keeping the Indian context in mind
1525 – 1545 | Ms Monika Halan, Author in conversation with Dr Gursharan Dhanjal, Vice-Chairman, SKOCH Group |
1545 – 1550 | Award & Acceptance |
1550 – 1600 | Nazrana |


National Co-convenor Swadeshi
Jagran Manch
India’s approach to globalisation over three decades ushered in a surge of companies that contributed to their respective countries’ prosperity, simultaneously deepening India’s reliance on overseas supplies. The pandemic laid bare the severity of this situation, highlighting the weaponisation of global instruments, particularly in the international payment system and the supply chain for essential materials. The growing influence of global powers caused many nations to lose confidence in the concept of globalisation.
At this pivotal moment, Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a resounding call—the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

This new vision for self-reliance diverges significantly from earlier approaches. It centers on adopting best practices for global production while concurrently cultivating domestic capabilities to reduce dependence on imports. According to Prof Ashwini Mahajan, this strategy incorporates a blend of innovative measures, including production-linked incentive schemes and government-backed technological support. He is in conversation with Mr Sameer Kochhar and talks about a practical framework for revitalising industries impacted by inexpensive foreign goods.
1600 – 1620 | Dr Ashwani Mahajan, National Co-convenor Swadeshi Jagran Manch in conversation with Mr Sameer Kochhar, Chairman, SKOCH Group |
1620 – 1625 | Award & Acceptance |
1625 – 1630 | Nazrana |
1630 – 1730 | Awards |