21st SKOCH Summit | Tuesday & Wednesday | 10th & 11th November 2009 | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

The 21st Skoch Summit was organized on the theme of “Infrastructure, Finance and Governance.” This two-day national consultation from the India @ Work Series (India’s largest government leadership summit) featured:
Key Content:
- Power Panel on Bharat Nirman Perspective on Infrastructure, Finance & Governance
- Power Panel on Revisiting Financial Inclusion & Book Launch – Speeding Financial Inclusion
- National Consultation on Speeding Digital Inclusion
- Power Panel on Security & Disaster Management Perspective on Infrastructure, Finance & Governance
- Power Panel on Power Sector Perspective on Infrastructure, Finance & Governance
- Power Panel – Pillars of e-Governance
- Local Bodies and Economic Agenda
- Implications of Information Security on National Security
Research meetings, focus group discussions, field visits and e-discussions were carried out before the summit to bring a distillate to the table during the summit and evolve recommendations for appropriate policy responses to speed progess on one hand and to mitigate challenges on the other. This Conference provided a forum for discussion, collaboration and intellectual exchange for all those who were interested in any of these fields of research or practice.
Workshop on Role of Common Services Centers in Furthering Financial Inclusion Objectives