
Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas

44th SKOCH Summit

44th SKOCH Summit | Wednesday & Thursday | 8th & 9th June 2016 | International Convention Centre, BSE, Dalal Street, Mumbai

Timed with the completion of two-years of Narendra Modi government and the ground covered by some of the most important national programmes, Skoch is organising the 44th Skoch Summit at Mumbai.

Key Sessions are as follows:

Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas

This focuses on the ground covered by the government at the completion of two years, viz., State of Economy; State of Financial Inclusion; State of Financial Markets; State of Smart Cities and Swachh Bharat; State of Inclusive Growth; and, State of Digital India.

From Dashboards to Delivery

Discussion Framework: Examines use of Monitoring Dashboards as well as strengthening delivery systems through call centres and BPOs in crucial areas like health and public grievance redressal system, as a case in point. The model can then be adapted to any G2C service delivery scenario.

Accelerating Electronics Manufacturing

Discussion Framework: Under Make in India, electronics has proven to be one of the major interest areas for manufacturing. There is a need for speedy dialogue and solutions on what are the emerging opportunities, the barriers industry faces and how to make India a manufacturing hub for the entire region.

Accelerating Electronics Manufacturing

Discussion Framework: Under Make in India, electronics has proven to be one of the major interest areas for manufacturing. There is a need for speedy dialogue and solutions on what are the emerging opportunities, the barriers industry faces.

Ubiquitous Connectivity, Ubiquitous Digital Seva

Discussion Framework: Connectivity remains the biggest challenge in universal service delivery. The session explores how to quickly ramp-up fibre connectivity on the one hand and at the same time look at satellite, white spaces and other emerging technologies to cut short the deployment curve. It also examines re-invention of CSCs as differentiated service providers, compared to mobile-based self-services.

Dialogue of the Titans – Team Digital India

Looks at funding imperatives for national flagship schemes such as Smart Cities, Digital India and Swachh Bharat etc. It examines markets as an alternative way of generating funds for such programmes and using the market wisdom to get a structure and financial model for such schemes at a micro level. It covers areas like SPV formation, credit rating, markets, banking and other funding options.


SKOCH Summits have invariably created knowledge sharing platforms of top-notch thinkers, policy makers & industry leaders. SKOCH Summits are well researched. Given the primary strength of the company in areas of consultancy, research, assessments & public affairs, we are able to bring together the highest number of emergent & existing opportunities together - to share, to ideate & to move forward.


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