This Convention is an extremely important tool for capacity building of Indian Cities. These briefings will tell you what to expect from the Convention and what kind of technology demonstrations etc are available in various Halls. This Session enables the participants to maximise their time and learn from the wide array of technologies and municipal best practices on display.
- Capacity Bldg: Key to Urban Dev
- Taming the PP Beast
- Are City Dev Authorities Passe?
- Do Markets have the Risk Appetite for Funding Cities?
- Making Citizens Pay
- Smart City, Smarter Money
- Prevent My City From Sinking
- Breaking Free From Garbage
- City Solutions Showcase
- MasterCard Solutions Showcase

To deliver on the promise of Smart India, Shreshta Bharat, few further inventions, innovations and programmes are required. A broad vision has already been articulated and several schemes are at work. The question really is how far are we willing to accept and implement solutions already available and the role of planner and regulator in the context. Recent move of TRAI to mandate eKYC for all new mobile customers is one huge step in this direction. Who will take similar sectoral calls? What are the possibilities in Health, Transport and Education sectors? Can we switch to e-Payments entirely? Our Panel of Experts discusses this and more.
- Aadhaar and SMART Services
- Education
- Health
- Transport
- Payments
- Smart Governance Awards

Over the last few years, giant strides have been made in the insurance sector. These include the launch of several social insurance schemes related to farmers, health etc. The sector overall has seen both deepening as well as widening. There has also been a significant amount of technology infusion making proliferation wider and cost of distribution lower, on the one hand, and enhanced customer satisfaction, on the other. Substantial progress has been made both in rural as well as urban areas. Our Panel of Experts discusses this and more.
- Financial Inclusion through Insurance
- Open Architecture Insurance
- Technology and Insurance
- Skoch Inclusive Insurance Awards

Dematerialisation of shares and setting up of depositories, online trading etc. placed Indian financial markets amongst the top in the world. The Indian reforms story would have been still-born, if this was not unfolding in tandem. We are at a point of similar change vis-Ã -vis digitisation of various records, be it Health, Education, Property, Motor Vehicles etc. The provision of Digital Locker coupled with Aadhaar and legal sanctity and acceptance of all documents in a dematerialised form can yield productivity and economic impact. How close are we to this dream? Do we have the governance will to implement this mother of all administrative reforms? We have a Panel of Experts trying to return recommendations on what can be done.
- Handling Govt Payments
- Digitisation and Citizen Services Delivery
- Smart Governance Awards

The citizenry today is putting a never before pressure on the governance structures for delivery using social media, electronic media, voicing their dissatisfaction louder than ever using the power of technology to the hilt. Good governance is everybody’s job and no longer restricted to the silos of IT departments etc. How are governments in India coping up with this and what are the response mechanisms? Is a horizontal as well as vertical integration of governance at hand? How real is citizen grievance redressal and what are the transformative use-cases that can help deliver closer to the citizen expectations. Our Panel of Experts from States and the Centre tries to address some of these issues.
- Smart Governance Report Card
- Biometrics and New Economy
- Changing Governance Paradigms
- Leadership Session and Awards